About Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a drug free system of healthcare and pain management, offering individually tailored treatment and advice.

Osteopaths see the whole person rather than just another patient with a disorder and are trained to advise on exercise, lifestyle, basic nutrition and coping strategies.

You will be advised and consulted on every stage of your treatment plan, helping you gain control of your pain.

Osteopaths can refer patients where necessary for MRI scans, ultrasound, blood tests, X-ray etc via your GP.

Over 30,000 patients consult osteopaths every working day and over 7 million consultations are carried out every year (General Osteopathic Council).

Conditions Treated


  • Back pain
  • Back ache
  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica


  • 'Lumbago'
  • Trapped nerve
  • Osteoarthritic hip
  • Hip pain


  • Tension headache (caused by tight neck muscles)
  • Shoulder pain
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Tennis elbow


  • Neck pain
  • Pregnancy strain
  • Work strain - heavy labour (lifting)
  • Work strain - office work (especially heavy use of phone and computer)


  • RSI
  • Ankle pain
  • Pulled muscles
  • Ligament strains


  • Sprained wrist
  • Sprained knee
  • Sprained ankle
  • General aches and pains

Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions


What is osteopathy?


Osteopathy is a drug free, patient centered system of healthcare. A variety of stretching, mobilizing and manipulative techniques are used to improve blood flow and soft tissue drainage, release tension and improve joint mobility.


Don’t you just treat backs?


We treat every single joint, muscle and ligament in the whole body from your head to your toes, including backs.


Do I have to be referred by my GP?


No, it is not necessary to be referred by your GP. Osteopaths are qualified to diagnose as well as treat patients. If your osteopath finds anything that would be better treated by your GP or other healthcare professional, he will write a letter of referral for you.


Will treatment hurt?


Done correctly spinal and joint adjustments will not cause pain. You may feel some discomfort whilst you are having your tight muscles eased (with massage techniques) and your muscles may feel fatigued for a couple of days after treatment. If you feel uncomfortable in anyway you can ask your osteopath to try an alternative treatment method.


What should I wear for my appointment?


Comfortable clothes that you can move around in easily. During treatment you may be asked to remove some top layers of clothing,if you prefer not to – just let your osteopath know and he will work around it. It is more important that you feel relaxed.


Can I bring someone with me?


You are very welcome to bring a friend along. Many patients feel happier with a friend with them. We want you to feel secure and relaxed at all times.


What happens at my first appointment?


Your osteopath will take a confidential case history including details on your general health, any operations, medication and so on. You will have the opportunity to fully discuss your concerns. Your osteopath will make a gentle hands on examination and you will may be asked to perform some simple movements and stretches whilst your posture and body balance is observed. Treatment options will be discussed and a treatment plan agreed with you. You will have treatment for your condition at your first appointment.


How many treatments will I need?


It depends on how severe and complex your condition is and if you are able to make the lifestyle changes and carry out the exercises recommended by your osteopath. At your first appointment your osteopath will advise the approximate amount of treatments needed. However, on average, in our practice, most patients only require 3 or 4 treatments to see significant improvement and gain pain relief.


Will I be signed up to an expensive course of treatments?


No. At your first consultation your osteopath will discuss your treatment plan and give you some indication of the amount of treatments you may need. Some patients only need one or two treatments and others with long-term conditions require more. Most patients book their next appointment after the proceeding treatment and pay for one treatment at a time. You are not under any obligation to book further appointments.


Do you offer cranial osteopathy?


We do not specialise in cranial osteopathy. There is a misconception that only cranial osteopaths can treat problems with the head and skull. In fact ‘regular’ osteopaths also treat the head and skull and have success with tension headaches.


Can my children be treated?


Yes, as long as a parent or full time guardian is present.


Am I too old for treatment?


No, we treat many patients in their 80’s and 90’s.


Are you insured?


Yes and we are registered with the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council).